
Francisco JoséArana RonceroMechanisms of adaptation of plants to abiotic stressesext. 446059
Juan LuisAraujo GarridoRedox signaling in plantsext. 446083
ÁngelesAroca AguilarMetabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide
ChristinaArvanitidouSystems biology and biotechnology in microalgaeext. 446053
FernandoBaile NúñezEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446086
RodrigoBedera GarcíaSystems biology and biotechnology in microalgaeext. 446053
AntonioBegines PeñaPlant-cyanobacteria symbiosis954139172
Mª GraciaBenítez EslavaBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489500
ext. 446093
ManuelBrenes ÁlvarezRegulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria954139175
ext. 446060
MireiaBurnatBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489500
ext. 446064
MyriamCalonge MacayaEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446048
CarolinaCamacho FernándezEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446086
SergioCamargoBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489500
ext. 446092
RaúlCarranco GalánSalinity, nutrition and defenseext. 139191
ReyesCarrillo VillaMetabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanideext. 446085
Francisco JavierCejudo FernándezRedox signaling in plants954489511
LauraCorrales GuerreroBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489640
InmaculadaCouso LiáñezSystems biology and biotechnology in microalgaeext. 446008
José LuisCrespo GonzálezTOR signaling and autophagy in microalgaeext. 446074
AnnaDe LucaSalinity, nutrition and defenseext. 139191
OlgaDel Pozo CañasSalinity, nutrition and defenseext. 446018
DavidDelgado RomeroStress granules and signallingext. 446081
PabloDíaz RuedaMetabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanideext. 446085
EncarnaciónDíaz SantosStress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganismsext. 446057
SandraDíaz TroyaGene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria954139180
ext. 446068
Francisco J.Florencio BellidoGene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria954489509
ext. 446009
EnriqueFloresBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489523
Antonia MaríaGallardo MartínezRedox signaling in plantsext. 446083
IreneGarcía FernándezMetabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanideext. 446041
MercedesGarcía GonzálezSystems biology and biotechnology in microalgaeext. 446020
MiguelGarcía GuerreroSystems biology and biotechnology in microalgaeext. 446008
Mª ElenaGarcía GómezSystems biology and biotechnology in microalgaeext. 446053
José LuisGarcía LópezEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446086
NuriaGavira RoldánSalinity, nutrition and defenseext. 139191
JoaquínGiner LamiaGene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria954489601
ext. 446003
Mari CruzGonzález GarcíaMechanisms of adaptation of plants to abiotic stresses954489647
ext. 446047
José LuísGonzález PimentelPlant-cyanobacteria symbiosis954139172
SantiagoGonzález RodríguezStress granules and signallingext. 446081
CeciliaGotor MartínezMetabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanideext. 446016
EmilioGutiérrez BeltránStress granules and signalling446076,446095
Alba MaríaGutiérrez DiánezStress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganisms
AliciaGálvez RamírezRedox signaling in plantsext. 446083
SamuelGámez ArcasTOR signaling and autophagy in microalgaeext. 446061
Luis GHeredia MartínezStress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganismsext. 446057
María LuisaHernández JiménezRedox signaling in plants954489635
ext. 446035
Sara BelénHernández PiñeroRegulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria954139175
ext. 446060
AntoniaHerreroBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489522
ManuelHervás MorónStress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganismsext. 446014
M. JoséHuertas RomeraGene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria954489601
ext. 446003
MacarenaIniesta PallarésPlant-cyanobacteria symbiosis954139172
Isabel MaríaJiménez BenítezEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446086
JuliaJiménez LópezRedox signaling in plantsext. 446083
LucíaJiménez RíosPlant-cyanobacteria symbiosis954139172
Ana MaríaJurado FloresPlant-cyanobacteria symbiosis954139172
Anna MarikaLindahlSalinity, nutrition and defenseext. 489644
IgnacioLuqueBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489633
CarmenLuque AlgabaMetabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanideext. 446085
RocíoLópez IgualBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489595
LuisLópez MauryStress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganismsext. 446068
AnabelLópez PérezStress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganismsext. 446057
Manuel JesúsMallén PonceTOR signaling and autophagy in microalgaeext. 446069
VicenteMariscal RomeroPlant-cyanobacteria symbiosis954489534
ImeldaMendoza BaisasSalinity, nutrition and defenseext. 489602
Fernando PublioMolina HerediaPlant-cyanobacteria symbiosis954489605
DavidMontesinos PereiraMetabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide
InmaculadaMoreno GonzálezMetabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanideext. 446085
Alicia MaríaMuro PastorRegulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria954489521
ext. 446021
M. IsabelMuro PastorGene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria954489598
ext. 446098
IreneMuñoz PalaciosTOR signaling and autophagy in microalgae
ÁngelMérida BerlangaMechanisms of adaptation of plants to abiotic stresses954489507
ext. 446007
BelénNaranjo Río-MirandaRedox signaling in plants954489635
ext. 446035
José AntonioNavarro CarruescoStress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganismsext. 446015
NazaretNavarro De La CruzMetabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanideext. 446085
MercedesNieves MoriónBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489500
ext. 446092
YosuOdriozola GilTOR signaling and autophagy in microalgaeext. 446069
ValleOjeda ServiánRedox signaling in plants
AliciaOrea GarcíaScientific-Technical Facilities
PabloOrtega MartínezGene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria954139180
ext. 446068
José MaríaOrtega RodríguezStress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganismsext. 446073
José ManuelPardo PrietoSalinity, nutrition and defenseext. 489602
CarlosParejo PérezScientific-Technical Facilities
Jose MaríaPersonat GálvezScientific-Technical Facilitiesext. 446010
José RománPérez CastiñeiraEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446040
JavierPérez HormaecheEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446086
María Del CarmenPérez NietoStress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganismsext. 446057
María EstherPérez PérezTOR signaling and autophagy in microalgaeext. 446069
Juan ManuelPérez RuizRedox signaling in plants
AndreaQuintero MorenoTOR signaling and autophagy in microalgaeext. 446069
Fco. JavierQuintero ToscanoSalinity, nutrition and defenseext. 489646
NataliaRaddatz CárdenasSalinity, nutrition and defenseext. 139191
MarcosRamos GonzálezSystems biology and biotechnology in microalgaeext. 446053
ManuelaRodríguez DelgadoEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446086
FernandoRodríguez MarínRedox signaling in plantsext. 446083
Mª del RocíoRodríguez SánchezScientific-Technical Facilities
Francisco JoséRomero CamperoSystems biology and biotechnology in microalgaeext. 446008
Luis C.Romero GonzálezMetabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanideext. 446043
José MaríaRomero RodríguezEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446026
MiriamRomero SánchezSalinity, nutrition and defenseext. 139191
MercedesRoncel GilStress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganismsext. 446017
RafaelRubio RamosStress granules and signallingext. 446081
TeresaRuiz PérezEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext.446042
María del ÁguilaRuiz SolaTOR signaling and autophagy in microalgae954139176
ext. 446061
CristinaSarasa BuisánBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489500
ext. 446092
AliciaSegura MejíasBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489500
ext. 446064
GloriaSerrano BuenoEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446086
AurelioSerrano DelgadoEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446024
EmmaSerrano PérezSystems biology and biotechnology in microalgaeext. 446053
AnaSierra GarcíaPlant-cyanobacteria symbiosis954139172
JorgeSolís MirandaStress granules and signalling
CeliaSosa SánchezMetabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanideext. 446085
BelénSuárez MurilloRegulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria954139175
ext. 446060
DiegoTorres RomeroMechanisms of adaptation of plants to abiotic stressesext. 446059
AnaValladaresBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489595
FedericoValverde AlbaceteEnvironmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plantsext. 446025
María IsabelVaquero De SedasRegulation of A. thaliana telomere structure and functionext. 446070
Miguel ÁngelVega PalasRegulation of A. thaliana telomere structure and functionext. 446091
CristinaVelázquez-SuárezBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489500
ext. 446093
AgustínVioque PeñaRegulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria954489519
ext. 446019
IsidroÁlvarez EscribanoRegulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria954139175
ext. 446060
ConsolaciónÁlvarez NúñezPlant-cyanobacteria symbiosis954489605
MiguelÁngel RubioBiology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria954489500
ext. 446092
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