Francisco José | Arana Roncero | Mechanisms of adaptation of plants to abiotic stresses | | ext. 446059 |
Juan Luis | Araujo Garrido | Redox signaling in plants | | ext. 446083 |
Ángeles | Aroca Aguilar | Metabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide | | |
Christina | Arvanitidou | Systems biology and biotechnology in microalgae | | ext. 446053 |
Fernando | Baile Núñez | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446086 |
Rodrigo | Bedera García | Systems biology and biotechnology in microalgae | | ext. 446053 |
Antonio | Begines Peña | Plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis | | 954139172 |
Mª Gracia | Benítez Eslava | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489500 ext. 446093 |
Manuel | Brenes Álvarez | Regulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria | | 954139175 ext. 446060 |
Mireia | Burnat | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489500 ext. 446064 |
Myriam | Calonge Macaya | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446048 |
Carolina | Camacho Fernández | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446086 |
Sergio | Camargo | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489500 ext. 446092 |
Raúl | Carranco Galán | Salinity, nutrition and defense | | ext. 139191 |
Reyes | Carrillo Villa | Metabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide | | ext. 446085 |
Francisco Javier | Cejudo Fernández | Redox signaling in plants | | 954489511 |
Laura | Corrales Guerrero | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489640 |
Inmaculada | Couso Liáñez | Systems biology and biotechnology in microalgae | | ext. 446008 |
José Luis | Crespo González | TOR signaling and autophagy in microalgae | | ext. 446074 |
Anna | De Luca | Salinity, nutrition and defense | | ext. 139191 |
Olga | Del Pozo Cañas | Salinity, nutrition and defense | | ext. 446018 |
David | Delgado Romero | Stress granules and signalling | | ext. 446081 |
Pablo | Díaz Rueda | Metabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide | | ext. 446085 |
Encarnación | Díaz Santos | Stress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganisms | | ext. 446057 |
Sandra | Díaz Troya | Gene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria | | 954139180 ext. 446068 |
Francisco J. | Florencio Bellido | Gene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria | | 954489509 ext. 446009 |
Enrique | Flores | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489523 |
Antonia María | Gallardo Martínez | Redox signaling in plants | | ext. 446083 |
Irene | García Fernández | Metabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide | | ext. 446041 |
Mercedes | García González | Systems biology and biotechnology in microalgae | | ext. 446020 |
Miguel | García Guerrero | Systems biology and biotechnology in microalgae | | ext. 446008 |
Mª Elena | García Gómez | Systems biology and biotechnology in microalgae | | ext. 446053 |
José Luis | García López | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446086 |
Nuria | Gavira Roldán | Salinity, nutrition and defense | | ext. 139191 |
Joaquín | Giner Lamia | Gene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria | | 954489601 ext. 446003 |
Mari Cruz | González García | Mechanisms of adaptation of plants to abiotic stresses | | 954489647 ext. 446047 |
José Luís | González Pimentel | Plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis | | 954139172 |
Santiago | González Rodríguez | Stress granules and signalling | | ext. 446081 |
Cecilia | Gotor Martínez | Metabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide | | ext. 446016 |
Emilio | Gutiérrez Beltrán | Stress granules and signalling | | 446076,446095 |
Alba María | Gutiérrez Diánez | Stress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganisms | | |
Alicia | Gálvez Ramírez | Redox signaling in plants | | ext. 446083 |
Samuel | Gámez Arcas | TOR signaling and autophagy in microalgae | | ext. 446061 |
Luis G | Heredia Martínez | Stress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganisms | | ext. 446057 |
María Luisa | Hernández Jiménez | Redox signaling in plants | | 954489635 ext. 446035 |
Sara Belén | Hernández Piñero | Regulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria | | 954139175 ext. 446060 |
Antonia | Herrero | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489522 |
Manuel | Hervás Morón | Stress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganisms | | ext. 446014 |
M. José | Huertas Romera | Gene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria | | 954489601 ext. 446003 |
Macarena | Iniesta Pallarés | Plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis | | 954139172 |
Isabel María | Jiménez Benítez | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446086 |
Julia | Jiménez López | Redox signaling in plants | | ext. 446083 |
Lucía | Jiménez Ríos | Plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis | | 954139172 |
Ana María | Jurado Flores | Plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis | | 954139172 |
Anna Marika | Lindahl | Salinity, nutrition and defense | | ext. 489644 |
Ignacio | Luque | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489633 |
Carmen | Luque Algaba | Metabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide | | ext. 446085 |
Rocío | López Igual | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489595 |
Luis | López Maury | Stress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganisms | | ext. 446068 |
Anabel | López Pérez | Stress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganisms | | ext. 446057 |
Manuel Jesús | Mallén Ponce | TOR signaling and autophagy in microalgae | | ext. 446069 |
Vicente | Mariscal Romero | Plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis | | 954489534 |
Imelda | Mendoza Baisas | Salinity, nutrition and defense | | ext. 489602 |
Fernando Publio | Molina Heredia | Plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis | | 954489605 |
David | Montesinos Pereira | Metabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide | | |
Inmaculada | Moreno González | Metabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide | | ext. 446085 |
Alicia María | Muro Pastor | Regulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria | | 954489521 ext. 446021 |
M. Isabel | Muro Pastor | Gene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria | | 954489598 ext. 446098 |
Irene | Muñoz Palacios | TOR signaling and autophagy in microalgae | | |
Ángel | Mérida Berlanga | Mechanisms of adaptation of plants to abiotic stresses | | 954489507 ext. 446007 |
Belén | Naranjo Río-Miranda | Redox signaling in plants | | 954489635 ext. 446035 |
José Antonio | Navarro Carruesco | Stress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganisms | | ext. 446015 |
Nazaret | Navarro De La Cruz | Metabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide | | ext. 446085 |
Mercedes | Nieves Morión | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489500 ext. 446092 |
Yosu | Odriozola Gil | TOR signaling and autophagy in microalgae | | ext. 446069 |
Valle | Ojeda Servián | Redox signaling in plants | | |
Alicia | Orea García | Scientific-Technical Facilities | | |
Pablo | Ortega Martínez | Gene expression and metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria | | 954139180 ext. 446068 |
José María | Ortega Rodríguez | Stress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganisms | | ext. 446073 |
José Manuel | Pardo Prieto | Salinity, nutrition and defense | | ext. 489602 |
Carlos | Parejo Pérez | Scientific-Technical Facilities | | |
Jose María | Personat Gálvez | Scientific-Technical Facilities | | ext. 446010 |
José Román | Pérez Castiñeira | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446040 |
Javier | Pérez Hormaeche | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446086 |
María Del Carmen | Pérez Nieto | Stress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganisms | | ext. 446057 |
María Esther | Pérez Pérez | TOR signaling and autophagy in microalgae | | ext. 446069 |
Juan Manuel | Pérez Ruiz | Redox signaling in plants | | |
Andrea | Quintero Moreno | TOR signaling and autophagy in microalgae | | ext. 446069 |
Fco. Javier | Quintero Toscano | Salinity, nutrition and defense | | ext. 489646 |
Natalia | Raddatz Cárdenas | Salinity, nutrition and defense | | ext. 139191 |
Marcos | Ramos González | Systems biology and biotechnology in microalgae | | ext. 446053 |
Manuela | Rodríguez Delgado | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446086 |
Fernando | Rodríguez Marín | Redox signaling in plants | | ext. 446083 |
Mª del Rocío | Rodríguez Sánchez | Scientific-Technical Facilities | | |
Francisco José | Romero Campero | Systems biology and biotechnology in microalgae | | ext. 446008 |
Luis C. | Romero González | Metabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide | | ext. 446043 |
José María | Romero Rodríguez | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446026 |
Miriam | Romero Sánchez | Salinity, nutrition and defense | | ext. 139191 |
Mercedes | Roncel Gil | Stress response and synthetic biology of photosynthetic microorganisms | | ext. 446017 |
Rafael | Rubio Ramos | Stress granules and signalling | | ext. 446081 |
Teresa | Ruiz Pérez | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext.446042 |
María del Águila | Ruiz Sola | TOR signaling and autophagy in microalgae | | 954139176 ext. 446061 |
Cristina | Sarasa Buisán | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489500 ext. 446092 |
Alicia | Segura Mejías | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489500 ext. 446064 |
Gloria | Serrano Bueno | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446086 |
Aurelio | Serrano Delgado | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446024 |
Emma | Serrano Pérez | Systems biology and biotechnology in microalgae | | ext. 446053 |
Ana | Sierra García | Plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis | | 954139172 |
Jorge | Solís Miranda | Stress granules and signalling | | |
Celia | Sosa Sánchez | Metabolism and signaling by Sulfide and Cyanide | | ext. 446085 |
Belén | Suárez Murillo | Regulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria | | 954139175 ext. 446060 |
Diego | Torres Romero | Mechanisms of adaptation of plants to abiotic stresses | | ext. 446059 |
Ana | Valladares | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489595 |
Federico | Valverde Albacete | Environmental and epigenetic regulation of development in plants | | ext. 446025 |
María Isabel | Vaquero De Sedas | Regulation of A. thaliana telomere structure and function | | ext. 446070 |
Miguel Ángel | Vega Palas | Regulation of A. thaliana telomere structure and function | | ext. 446091 |
Cristina | Velázquez-Suárez | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489500 ext. 446093 |
Agustín | Vioque Peña | Regulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria | | 954489519 ext. 446019 |
Isidro | Álvarez Escribano | Regulatory RNAs in cyanobacteria | | 954139175 ext. 446060 |
Consolación | Álvarez Núñez | Plant-cyanobacteria symbiosis | | 954489605 |
Miguel | Ángel Rubio | Biology and Genetic Engineering of Multicellular Cyanobacteria | | 954489500 ext. 446092 |