Scientific-Technical Facilities
Photosynthetic Analysis
Facility Description
The Photosynthetic Analysis Facility brings together the different equipment available at IBVF for analyzing photosynthetic activity under a single unit with a specialized technician in charge. This approach allows for better utilization of these resources by users specialized in the field and facilitates access to them by users who are not familiar with this type of analysis.
The various available equipment allows for the measurement of photosynthetic activity in plants, microalgae, and cyanobacteria by analyzing different photosynthetic parameters:
- The photosynthetic rate (O2 production or CO2 consumption)
- Respiration (O2consumption or CO2 production)
- The state of PSII and PSI photosystems (chlorophyll fluorescence or IR absorbance)
Our Facility is provided with:
- Two oxygen electrodes (Chlorolab 2+ System, Hansatech) for measuring O2 evolution in liquid phases.
- Two Dual-PAM 100 chlorophyll fluorometers (Walz) for measuring the state of PSII and PSI in both plants and cell cultures. Equipped with the following modules:
- DUAL-DB and DUAL-DR Measuring Heads.
- 3010-DUAL/B Linear Positioning System.
- DUAL-H90 90 Degree Measuring Head Holder.
- ED-101US/MD Optical Unit.
- PHYTO-MS Miniature Magnetic Stirrer.
- ED-101US/T Temperature Control Block.
- Acrylamide Orange/Yellow Fluorescence Emitter-Detector Module.
- NADH/9-AA Module.
- An IMAGING-PAM chlorophyll fluorometer (Walz) for measuring the state of PSII in plants.
- Two Dual-PAM 100 chlorophyll fluorometers (Walz) for measuring the state of PSII and PSI in both plants and cell cultures. Equipped with the following modules:
- An IRGA gas exchange analyzer (LI6400-XT, LICOR) for measuring CO2 evolution and transpiration in plants. Equipped with the following modules:
- 6400-01 CO2 Mixer.
- Standard leaf chamber.
- 6400-40 Leaf Chamber Fluorometer.
- An IRGA gas exchange analyzer (LI6400-XT, LICOR) for measuring CO2 evolution and transpiration in plants. Equipped with the following modules:
Operating Standards
In general, the Photosynthesis Analysis Service is available only to internal researchers at IBVF.
Individual equipment reservations can be made directly through the CicCartuja intranet.
If technical staff assistance is required, it is necessary to check their availability before making a reservation.
Cancellations should be made, whenever possible, at least 48 hours in advance.
Sample preparation is the responsibility of the user, as long as the material allows for advance preparation. If preparation is needed immediately before observation, the user must provide the necessary materials.
For external users interested in using the Service, they can contact the Responsible Staff through the Service Request Form or by email ().
Request for Facility